ifunny Video Downloader - Download GIFs, videos, memes for free!


By using this website, you accept our Terms of Service and agree not to download Copyright content.

Example: https://ifunny.co/video/jOcLd2P68

How to Download Videos from ifunny?

  • 1Go to ifunny.co. Open your favorite GIFs, videos, or memes. Click on Share button and Copy the link of videos which you wish to download.
  • 2Paste the link into the search box at the top of this page, then press Download button
  • 3 Wait while our servers process the video, generate download links and displays it to you..
  • 4Right click on the Download link and choose Save As/Download to save the iFunny GIFs/videos/memes to your device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are videos saved after being downloaded?

It depends on the OS and Browser you are using, but usually all videos are saved under Downloads folder on Windows and Mac. You can also press CTRL+J in your Browser to view your download history.

Why is the video playing instead of downloading?

That's something normal to happen, especially on browsers other than Chrome. To solve this issue, instead of left clicking the Download Video link, Right Click -> Save as... and choose the location you'd like to save the video to.

How to download if the link is not working for you?

First, make sure the url is in the right format. If you still cannot download the video using the main download link, go to Convert Page, we'll download the video with the other way for you and display the new download link when finished.

Can I convert video to mp3 format?

YES! You can convert your video to Mp3 file following these steps:
Step 1: Go to Convert Page
Step 2: Search or paste this video you wish to convert to Mp3 file
Step 3: Click Download Button to download Mp3 file

What's ifunny.co?

Created in 2011, iFunny describes itself as a "community for meme lovers and viral memes around the Internet." It is a collection of funny GIFs, videos, and memes. Users are able to find friends in the comment sections and build their own meme collections. There are over 10 million users in the iFunny community.

iFunny, which is available online and as an app, is divided into sections featuring content curated by moderators, as well as a section to follow subscribed accounts.

Visiting the site reveals a heavily curated front page — your typical meme fare, screenshots of viral tweets, GIFs from Reddit, jokes about Minecraft — but digging below the surface, the picture darkens.

Some scientifically proven facts about iFunny:

Sepcial Features

Users also can search:

how to save ifunny videos?

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